Friday, April 2, 2010

Breaking Stride

Below you'll find the complete text to my novella "Breaking Stride," which was published by Banda Press International in 2006. It went on to sell over a thousand copies and received positive reviews in Running Times, Silent Sports, and Run Minnesota.
Olympian Deena Kastor said,
"Breaking Stride shows the monstrousness of pushing past physical limits of running and racing, while showing the absolute glory that makes it all worth it."

I'll be honest. The story certainly could be better written at times. At the point in my writing life which I created the story, I tended to use a few too many metaphors. However, I truly believe that any committed runner will be inspired by the story and appreciate what every reviewer called a fantastic and totally unexpected end.

The book is posted online free of charge for you to read. All I ask is that if you enjoy the read you might consider purchasing a print version. I've set the minimum price at $1 plus shipping. This covers the costs I incurred to purchase the remaining copies from the publisher. Pay what you think is fair. If $1 is all it's worth to you, then I'm happy to send it your way. If you feel it is worth more, I obviously have no objections. Thanks for giving my story a chance.

Stephen Paske